Wellbeing of women
‘Just a Period’.
Wellbeing of Women charity’s "Just a Period” campaign shares information and resources – giving you answers to your questions about periods and showing you where to find help.
Painful periods and heavy bleeding aren’t ‘just’ signs that you’re on. These may be signs that you need diagnosis, treatment and support for a gynecological condition.
Millions of women, girls and people who menstruate suffer with severe period pain, heavy bleeding or irregular cycles that disrupt their lives. Instead of getting the treatment and support they desperately need, they’re often dismissed and told it’s “just a period”.
This is unacceptable.
Nobody should suffer from period symptoms holding them back.
‘Just a Period’ Wellbeing of Women Campaign Video
The objectives of The Health Collective are to:
Support ongoing work that grassroots organisations are already doing to support their communities
Ensure that diverse women’s voices are heard and can influence Government policy via the Women’s Health Strategy for England
Create collaborative solutions between members to overcome many common challenges
Identify barriers to equitable healthcare and suggest ways to overcome them. Promote types of care that women from marginalised communities want in a way that works for them.
the health collective.
The Health Collective has emerged out of the urgent need to do more to ensure all girls and women receive the best care, regardless of their race and ethnicity.
It is being led by grassroots organisations representing women’s voices from every community in our society.
The Health Collective aims to ensure that their voices are heard and used to influence Government policy via the Women’s Health Strategy and create collaborative solutions to overcome many common challenges.